The section is in development, we'll release it soon <3

design. marketing.

Marketing agency with expertise in analytics, creativity and performance marketing for brands and services.

what do we do

marketing strategy and strong Big Idea

we study the market, competitors and target audience, build a strategy with numbers and positioning
for newcomers and startups
for systemising and sales growth
for those who are going through hard times
for those who reached the limits
“The strategy helps to see the way and methods of achieving the client's financial goals’“
Diana, marketologist Astra

creative outdoor ads

will increase clients’ flow, not just bookingand orders
when you need to enhance digital
for greater reach and recognition
to collect people from the street into the digital
“Outdoor advertising still works if you submit it creatively and put an idea in people's heads. We, like Christopher Nolan of your business, will stir up such a fuss that you will get the envy of competitors, and this is just the “Inception”.“
Maria , project manager

setting up contextual advertising, targeting or SEO

not like everyone else, but with bookings and sales
  • we will launch it on a test account in parallel with the current contractor
  • fix the price of the application in the contract
  • conduct an audit of advertising and the site
Alexey, head of contextual ads department

make a website with an emphasis on marketing

we make sites with a conversion rate higher by 42%**
“We will make a website for a specific task - a hypothesis test, applications or the envy of competitors. Sites are first assembled by a marketer, studying the market and customer jobs, and only then are given to design.”
Diana, Astra Marketologist

make sales on marketplaces

Astra Marketing - partners of Ozon with an average turnover of each client starting from 3 million rubles, we speak and talk about marketplaces, in the top 10 agencies in Russia
“You may have already tried working with marketplaces and studied the entire Leo Shevchenko channel about Wildberries, but sales are still low. We ran into the algorithms of marketplaces and made x10 for our customers.”
Olga, marketplaces manager
Our partner rating
Increased from 1 to 10 million turnover in six months
Sales growth of 6.2
times in 8 months

Can you make it all — yes we can

Clicks and requests are just part of marketing. If you want to grow in 2 or 3 times, you need to disassemble all the elements of marketing.

For example, the conversion of the site and salespeople, LTV, assortment matrix, check depth and frequency of purchases, average check, returns and churn, brand, cost and others.

We build breakdowns and evaluate which indicators are easier and faster to improve.
Clicks and requests are just part of marketing. If you want to grow in 2 or 3 times, you need to disassemble all the elements of marketing.

For example, the conversion of the site and salespeople, LTV, assortment matrix, check depth and frequency of purchases, average check, returns and churn, brand, cost and others.

We build breakdowns and evaluate which indicators are easier and faster to improve.

we are as cool as an |

Fans of the Jobs-to-be-done approach in describing the audience, instead of portraits
We buy consultations from the coolest marketers and communicate a lot with Google
We have made our own service to coordinate your creatives
We teach at conferences
and act as experts
at the My Business Center
We use neural networks for texts, ideas and inspiration
We do not take competitors in the niche and sign the NDA
about your figures
ChatGPT / Midjourney
We are a marketing agency. We use you in our work. How to surprise people with this. Short and funny
Deploy our banners and billboards and let people know: "We have used everything in marketing - from clowns to virtual reality. But our most amazing move is our Al-assistant GPT-4. It makes our campaigns so stunning that even competitors are trying to hire it as their marketologist! |

dream team. literally.

Project manager, marketer
Read all the marketing books from Astra's library down to the marks and ideas
marketologists and traffic specialists stay unemployed because of her
defended the project on anti-art
Project manager, marketer
Black Belt in marketing, management, tourism and astrology
breaks down the site into conversions
16 years in dance
senior marketer
Worked in foreign travel companies as a product-marketer
learned HTML and CSS in 3 days
knows all the Figma shortcuts
is what separates Monet from Manet
Worked in targeting 20+ niches, scored three goals in the leatherball final
VK expert
Inst/FB expert
donor of awesome puns
From police officer to senior-level FB/Inst/Telegram tagger
worked with 70 foreign companies
arbitration expert
in the team for more than 3 years
PPC specialist
7 years in the context of Google Ads and Yandex. Remembers "Direct for Geese"
GTM expert, google ads, youtube
directt expert, metrics, GTM, google ads, youtube
Studied accordion for 6 years, loves accordions
PPC specialist
From architect to contextologist. Designing advertising skyscrapers
ambassador of A/B testing in Yandex
Selling windows, DJing.
proposed from the stage.
PPC specialist
Worked in arbitrage, large St. Petersburg agencies, average ROI = 272%
focus only on CPA, CPO, ROI, LTV figures
4 years of practice in Google Ads, Facebook Ads
major case of promotion of Samokat
marketplace specialist
For six months of work on Ozon made more than 27 million rubles to clients.
Lived on a border outpost in the mountains of Abkhazia at an altitude of 1800 meters
OZONacit every day
I flew 8,000 kilometers to get to the Ozon conference.
marketplace specialist
Went into marketplaces headfirst after 7 years at RZD
overcame procrastination and sleep after motherhood.
crazy visualizer, makes amazing product cards.
Lives and programs in Hong Kong for 5 years and raises a wonderful son
frameforks like Lavarel, YII2
knows WordPress, Bitrix
puts the speed of the sites into second space
Expert in perfomance marketing since 2013, son, brother, sister
winner of google ads guru marathon in russia
education "Marketing Director"
favorite dish: gozilla borscht.


you can click on the logo and read the case study
We finalized the site and led context for accountants outsourcing in Sochi and Khabarovsk. 1,281 rubles was the bid
Website, social media, bloggers and marketing across the FEFD for the electronica brand
Bids from context at 274 p. for a well-known fitness club
New site under new firmstyle, launch of context with bid price of 617 rubles.
From 70 to 100 applications from Instagram to buy kamaz, at a price of 347 rubles per application
Developed a Japanese cosmetics brand in the Far East through bloggers, marketplaces and outdoor advertising
Started a hygiene brand in Russia from scratch and achieved representation in major Moscow chains
From 100 applications at a price of 315 rubles for the Center of Dr. Bubnovsky
We bring more than 800 leads per month from context on hearing aids, put the site in the top 5 results in 14 cities
Increased the number of bids from 10 to 62 per month for the sale of SaaS services in the direction of the housing and utilities sector
Developed a website for a well-known beauty salon in Khabarovsk and connected advertising, conducted extensive research
We work with a brand of Japanese diapers in the Far East, work with bloggers, networks, measure awareness
We work with advertising in Yandex of one of the most recognizable premium hotels in Vladivostok
We have developed b2b-service for small wholesale, we receive from 170 registrations of legal entities per month
from 270 requests from context and targeting at 282 rubles for the largest fitness chain in Vladivostok.
805 leads only from Yandex MSNs for a month on surfing in Moscow
Seasonal contextual advertising for a network of car service centers in Khabarovsk with a price per lead of 567 rubles

don’t you think we are ready for a next step? lets talk

our project manager or our can will reach you out (^◕ᴥ◕^)
by submitting an application, you accept the terms of the Privacy Policy
Khabarovsk, 80/1 Dzhambula str., office 308
Moscow, Volgogradsky Avenue, 32/5к1
© Astra 2023. All rights reserved
Made with love <3
* Facebook/Instagram is a project of Meta Platforms Inc., whose activities are prohibited in Russia